
Evolution of Hair

By contributing Stylist, Kathleen
Evolutionary hair is constantly changing just as trends, your tastes and your lifestyle all change.  By continuously adapting and transforming, your style will always be fresh.  Whether it be cut, color, product, or styling technique, there are many ways that hair may be in transformation, or evolution.

Sometimes we need a little off the length, sometimes just a bang trim.  One cut can easily grow into another shape by simply making small changes to length or texture; just as one hair style can be styled in different ways allowing for continuous evolution.

As  seasonal trends change, so does color and texture: a change of color this time, and a little highlight the next.  Seasonal color is a very exciting way to keep things fresh.  I enjoy taking my guests on this hair color journey.  A little lighter in the spring brightens things up, and lifting us out of those winter blues.  Highlighting is always a great way to achieve this, as we anticipate the renewal of spring.  By summer, hair naturally goes a little lighter as we soak up the summer sun.  Sometimes we need to tone it down and condition to maintain that healthy sheen.  And, then comes the fall and winter when we have a need for richer warmer colors and a luxurious shimmer.  Conditioning and moisturizing is also imperative to combat dryness and static.

No matter the season, the cut and color would be nothing without proper care.  Because of the evolutionary process, you need to consult with your stylist for knowledge of the proper products, tools and techniques that are right for you to maintain your hair journey EACH time you make any sort of change to your hair.

Together, let's work to find your evolution!

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